A fool’s paradise is a wise man’s hell!

Thomas Fuller

Dizzy pain both elbows tinitus, crawl out, urgent pee, ,open door, shuffle to stairs, cats fighting , Intervene, one razor sharp claw misses, coffee cup swings at cat, ankle pain, back and neck , walk more stairs, grab catfood bowls, , fill one, fill kettle, feed boys, put kettle on wood stove bones in both hands hurt, look at snow, need broom, birds need food, boy cats need water. fill girl cats bowl, pull upstairs, feed them, back down, suit up to feed birds, get door with broom for solar panels, forgot bird feed, go back, fill container, decide to chop wood now, grab hat, Bluetooth buds, turn wheelbarrow face door, seed in hand I feed the birds, grateful singing, biting cold, sweep snow, back inside, grab wheelbarrow, drop tools near chopping block, pick out four logs for today, survey wood, three days at best, shuffle slow with logs back to chopping block, breathing hurts, new pain at rib cage back bottom row, swing at first log , takes ten, switching to glide music helps. elbows hurt with every swing, 75 swings to finish wood, on knees I load wood, push the wheelbarrow inside, ready to collapse, secure door, grab water for cats, last jug, fill water filter, check kettle not ready, slow shuffle upstairs check last night batteries , charged ready for test, me ready to collapse, I sit at desk, type words, right shoulder hurts now, the first muscle location to hurt months ago,

I send the pictures I took outside to the cloud, so you could see them. My throat is sore now, I could use that coffee now maybe some breakfast, it has to be sandwiches, I open turkey slices last night, I have to eat them before they spoil, besides I really hate dry bread. That goes back to when I was a kid, my mother working three jobs to keep us in poverty only bought stale bread because it was cheaper.

I am off to cut slices of cheese for the breakfast


This was so awesome I had to share it.


Time travel back to a time when life was less complicated and there was no hat diversity for men.