Life is tough, and things don’t always work out well, but we should be brave and go on with our lives.


I had a hard night again, lots of pain, not much sleep and all the rest of the things I get when I get sick. This morning I threw my back out picking up a cat that needed attention. Today is the day I go back to chainsawing. As long as my chainsaw keeps functioning. I still do not know why it jammed.

I read the weather reports, cousin Bob as I call the Polar vortex is staying.  This is what I said would happen and has happened in the past few winters. On some days it will be -31 during daylight hours. I panicked a little at the idea that I have to cut wood on those days from a pile of wood that is diminished. Did I have enough wood, would my body hold up under the extra workload in the cold weather, would the saw keep working, is it even working now?

I have no idea, but I will handle things as I have done in the past one day at a time. I just do what needs doing.

One weather service says a storm is coming the other does not. The sky is red this morning, I will go with that forecast. I just had confirmation, my road was just snowplowed, he always shows up just before a significant snowfall. And the other thing I noticed a sundog in some of the pictures below. Go ahead and Google that.


One weather service


Another I trust this one more.

Well it’s almost time to gear up and go outside, I need to chainsaw, the birds need feeding, cats need snow to melt, and before all that I needed to shovel snow off the woodpile. I needed to replace all the wood I had stored up for February. About three tons worth. That would take a few days work. In warm weather.

I stayed outside till all the tasks were done. I am not sure why. Maybe because if I stopped I wouldn’t get started again. I shoveled a path to the log pile. I moved the snow from the log pile. I cut logs. I threw logs, then threw them again to get them closer to the wheelbarrow. I transported one load to the chopping block and one load to storage. I chopped until I could hardly lift the axe. I loaded the chopped wood on the wheelbarrow. I collected three bowls of snow to melt for thirsty cats. I fed the birds some seed, so they could stay fed through the cold spell coming. I brought the chainsaw inside, brought the snow inside and the wood I chopped. I managed a slow shuffle back inside. I took off winter clothes and transferred pictures to here.
Now I type this.

I was out there a few hours I have enough wood done for tonight. My chainsaw hung in, but my chain hit the dirt a few times I will need to sharpen that. It did jam a few times. I need to look at getting a new saw.