I think I’m in better shape now than I was 10 years ago, but it takes a bigger toll – I get back pain!

Alessandra Ambrosio

So what does a man eat after he discovered it got so cold the water in his cat bowls on the main floor froze. Cold coffee and cold cereal of course.

My cousin Bob who I was told would only visit for a few days will be outstaying his welcome till Friday. But I am sure that will be extended again. If you read my previous post Cousin Bob is my nickname for the polar vortex the thing that arrives and never leaves.

I am going out to chop more firewood. One weather channel says -30 the other says -40 for me that probably means – 45. Whatever the temp wood chopping will happen quickly.

Relatively quickly it took 40 minutes to chop wood gather snow and bring it all in. It was colder than yesterday. My fingers froze in my best gloves. The Thinsulate ones.

I like chopping wood when it is this cold, but only because it is easier to split, the frozen moisture inside the logs helps the splitting maul make quick work of chopping.

When I sat on my milk crate by the fire, my back hit the wall, I screamed like a small girl. Something was not right in there.  It didn’t matter there would be no travelling on a day like today, and I certainly wouldn’t go to a local hospital. Especially Fairview. It doesn’t matter wood is done for another day.

Before I went out I made sure I put my Bluetooth buds in place and forgot to turn on the music, so I am doing my music penance now and listening to tunes while I type this.

I was happy to see the wood done for today. Although it did mean I would be out to chainsaw again tomorrow. I just read along with the cold there will be wind making it even colder.

Looking at my pictures it was satisfying to see the wood inside. It was more wood than I had hoped for.