Even in winter an isolated patch of snow has a special quality.

Andy Goldsworthy


I was outside to brush the snow from the solar panels, get snow for melt and I emptied two litter boxes. It was cold. I didn’t wear goggles or hearing protection. I didn’t think I needed to. I was wrong. With my very best gloves for cold, my fingers froze in minutes. When I finished doing my jobs, which took less than 5 minutes including photography, it felt like someone had smashed my fingertips with a hammer. -40 I don’t fookin’ so. -50 more likely.

The circles around the sun are called sun dogs it means snow is imminent.

After getting back inside I had to get a fresh bag of wood pellets, that was only a four scream walk, especially when I ran into Lucille’s frame with my shin. Don’t worry Lucille is alright.


I just swept three rooms. As I have mentioned before sweeping is extremely painful for me. Something to do with the vertebrae that was not repaired.

I put a new chain on the chainsaw. I still need to go out and cut, chop and transport. I am having a quick lay down. It is the only pain relief I have.

Then its time for outside to enjoy frigid temps blowing snow and chainsaw exhaust oh joy joy.

I am inside trying to get warm. Chainsawing is done. Transport to the chopping block is done.
After warm up time to chop.