I’m the type of fighter who has never made an excuse. I fought with a broken rib, broken leg.


Demetrious Johnson

I told myself I would just gather some wood from yesterday’s cutting and bring it to the chopping block.

I was feeling fierce pain in my ribs right side at the back.  I could hardly walk without screaming. It felt like a broken rib or worse.

I made it out to the log pile with the wheelbarrow. I even managed to load a few logs. Then even made it back to the chopping block. There it was the splitting axe and sledgehammer. I had conveniently forgotten the screams I made just lifting those out of the wheelbarrow on the way to the log pile.

It just started with chopping one log then another and another. Until I met a log that just said no. When I swung that axe, and it hit the log it just sunk in without splitting. Pain shot through my body. I knew I was done. I picked up the wood I had split, on my hands and knees and screamed with everyone. Somehow the old wheelbarrow was loaded.

I saw the stainless bowl by the door. I knew that had to be filled. I didn’t even try to pack the snow.

I got that inside on the woodstove. I looked at the wood outside and knew I was at least two big screams getting that inside. That’s what I did. Now I am inside sitting by the fire thinking about the 5 big bags of cat food waiting at the post office.  They packed those two bags per box. With extremely heavy stickers on the side.

COULD I wait till Monday? Tomorrow is another day I could decide then. For Now, I had enough wood to get me through the night.

this much and what I have in the barrow