Any sentient being knows that pharmaceutical companies are predatory and not to be trusted.

Kirsten Powers

I am awake again. I’m still having back spasms. I remembered I had some muscle relaxers. I am taking those to see if it improves. I do not like Pharma or any solutions offered by the companies. The ones behind the opioid deaths and much much worse.

I read somewhere they do not create cures they create customers. I have found that to be true in my life.

I told myself I was just going to the woodpile to have a look. I went back just to feed the birds. While I was in the garage I thought I would haul some wood pellets. Then I told myself I would just go load the logs and then quit to rest my back. Then I moved the logs, again I saw the axe on the ground. Then I did a stupid thing. I chopped wood.

I could hardly swing the axe and had to use the sledgehammer to split the logs. I split them big which is better suited for warmer temps. Smaller firewood could be packed tighter in the woodstove and would burn faster but provide more heat.

I kept going until every spec of wood was chopped and then some more. I needed to rest my back, If I rationed wood again and kept the house a little cooler I could maybe make the wood I had last two days instead of one. I really needed my back to heal, next time out I would have to chainsaw as well.

The firewood was made and loaded, I pushed as hard as I could to push it up the ramp and into the house. I made it, but the wheelbarrow tipped over, instead of trying to stop it I let it go. I did not want to injure my back further. It was a good decision.

I am back inside my cold-weather gear off, and I am upstairs typing this. Now I needed to get some breakfast, even though it is lunchtime.

way more than I wanted to do.

Spilled but inside