The young man knows the rules, but the old man knows the exceptions.

Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.

I just went out to clear snow from the solar panels. The storm total was 6 to 10 cm. I will have to clear the driveway, but I think tomorrow. Even with the blue sky, it looks like more snow will come. I will try to get the chains I have had for weeks on the snowblower.

As I left my bedroom I could smell that familiar smell, it was litter box day.  It was also time to empty the composting toilet and urine bottles. Human poo gets burned in the fire, the urine goes in the garden as a weed killer. I found it effective on most weeds, over time the spring rains would turn that into fertilizer. Google that

Litter boxes are done I figure about four hundred pounds of it. New litter has been put into the boxes. After I take a rest break I will do the other stuff.

Another terrible job is done one more to go. But first a rest break. So far I have moved over a thousand pounds today. I am feeling the pain, and I am getting very tired. Me being the die-hard optimist my wheelbarrow is already outside ready for me to chop wood. I am not sure if that is going to happen.