Happiness is like those palaces in fairy tales whose gates are guarded by dragons: we must fight in order to conquer it.

Alexandre Dumas

When I was a younger man, successes were measured by how big the dragons slayed, how fierce the battle. How many damsels saved, how many damsels bed. Now it’s measured in the smallest of victories. Drawing breath for another day. Being able to get out of a chair without screaming, having a good BM.

I don’t remember when it changed, maybe during one of the three major car accidents that left me crippled. Maybe it was just a slow progression over the years. Right now I can still do a few things. A lot slower than before, with a lot of rest breaks, and a whole lot of pain, but I try to do a little every day, most of that is necessity. Cats need feeding, wood needs chopping, birds need feed, I need feed. Anything after that is a bonus.

What about all those out there trying to do me harm unjustly? Fuckem, their time will come.

I really pray that God gives them what they deserve good or bad. They are not really my problem. They can be other people’s dragons.