Nobody ever drowned in his own sweat.

Ann Landers

Woke up before sunrise to an army of yowling cats. The water bowls were empty. I needed to go outside to collect snow for melt. Although half the snow was gone and the fluffy snow had now turned to ice. It wasn’t as bad as some years after a freeze-thaw cycle. I gathered the snow came in, put it on the woodstove. I thought I could distract the cats with some food, so that came next.

Soon the water was melting for cats and water for coffee was boiling. Everyone was happy. Except for the birds, I noticed their feeder was empty. I needed to add that to my list along with chainsawing wood, and chopping wood. I had a couple of days’ holiday while we had the warm spell. That was over.

I will add pics later when I get out there

That was insane. The second I stepped outside the door a blizzard happened. The second I was finished the sun came out.