In ancient times cats were worshipped as gods; they have not forgotten this.

Terry Pratchett

It’s morning again. I needed to feed the cats. I have a lot of cats. I won’t kill them, I try to protect them from harm.

First the boy cats.
They need to be fed in their special places in special ways. Tiptip needs a little feed on a log in the wheelbarrow. Huey needs a little put on his pillow, by the fire, Mike, Louis and Stripey just want it down so they can start munching. Big Jake likes his food away from others, the rest don’t care food is food, and they will take it where they can get it.

With the girl cats, two fistfuls at the top of the stairs then each cat needs her own pile where ever they are standing scooter needs it on the second stair from the top, but that must be the last fistful to be handed out so there is no competition.

Why do all this? Because sometimes they are good cats and don’t get into trouble I said sometimes. Not today. Two cats managed to break into the battery room and are hiding in there, There are many nooks and crannies to hide in. I will have to go in there and flush them out. I am going to have a coffee first, and relax before I go banging pots and poking my broom around to find them.

Earlier you can see I made it outside in my t-shirt to capture a few pics of the fresh snow from last night. Enjoy the pictures, Rea. I have to go scare out a couple of bad black cats.

After that chop more wood.


Wood is chopped, but two more big snowstorms coming with totals of 35 cm. I should have been out there cutting more wood. But what be be the fun in that. I just have to dig in deep snow and find the wood in an ever dwiidling logpile and push a heavily laden wheelbarrow through deep snow and then chop.. No problem

Cleanup on aisle 9, broken old man in driveway stuck in deep snow.

As for the two black kittens still missing. They didnt even come for supper.which is not like them.


This song is dedicated to my father who really wasn’t there. AT all….