9When I was young, I was everywhere.

David Edwards

For a storm to be considered a blizzard now it has to meet certain criteria.

Blizzard. When winds of 40 km/hr or greater are expected to cause widespread reductions in visibility to 400 metres or less, due to blowing snow, or blowing snow in combination with falling snow, for at least 4 hours. Same as above, except conditions are expected to last for at least 6 hours.

When I was a kid and got a snow day. (Vacation from school as a result of snowfall). We would consider any strong wind during a snowstorm a blizzard. Ya some of you know. Back when we could ride a bicycle without a helmet, or ride in the back of a pickup. Back when you went to a gas station your oil was checked, tire pressure was checked, and your vehicle was filled up for you. Now you do all that yourself and after paying first.

Today it is happening here. Snow is coming down hard and the wind is whipping that around everywhere. Causing snow to drift like sand dunes. It is forcing its way into every crack in my defences. I usually have a board secured with long screws in at the bottom of the garage door to keep blowing snow out. I forgot in the rush to chop wood before the storm. Snow had invaded my garage and the cold wind blowing in near froze my sandaled toes as I made my way to the door.

I needed to step outside for a moment to snap a few pics. That was all I could manage. Cold out here. I am typing this on my phone back to the warm fire waiting for hot water for coffee. I checked to see if the gen might be spared the blowing snow, so I could generate some power. All batteries were low. Solar wasn’t going to cut it today.

Wind power might have been good. I have a small wind generator, not installed. It’s on my list.

This wasn’t the fun kind of snow, this was the kind that froze into igloo ice, stuff my snowblower has a hard time with. I need to put on the chains and hope they made a mistake about freezing rain on top of snowdrifts. I need to get the chains on the blower. Btw those snowdrifts at my back door were not there ten minutes ago. It will also mean my driveway is now covered in them.

Yea did the driveway in a windstorm that was fun. Not really