This would not be a problem if I were driving a snowplow.

Aaron Allston

I suffered through a night of pain. All from the work, I did on my driveway yesterday. I cleaned the drifting snow from the snowstorm during a windstorm. My driveway is clear. My body was stretched, twisted, strained, frozen, pushed beyond my capabilities. Why?

Still wondering why the beard

Needed doing. I am getting low on groceries, cat food order is in at the post office. All I needed now was the man who clears the gravel road of deep snow with his big machine. Without him, I still can’t leave here. Old Gracie would never be able to navigate the deep snow with her 2-wheel drive. So now I wait. No not for him for my hot water for coffee. He has a lot of miles of road to do. While I was waiting I noticed smoke escaping from a pinhole in the stove-pipe. I had the stuff to fix that in stock.

If you are wondering about the rust think about snow melting for water.

I slathered a coat of the stuff all the way around the pipe. The pipe would need changing during summer. That pipe couldn’t be changed now any more than you could work on your car’s engine while driving down the highway.

Only Macgyver can do that. I saw it on an old episode. Crazy.

I am healing fast from yestersdays pain. My office floor is 90 percent done. The top of my desk not so much. Progress not perfection.
11:13 Grader has not done my road. I got notifications that all of my parcels are in. I have no way to get there.

I had to include this for Rea

This is like the machine that does my road.