When you’re a Viking, you never know when you’re going to get the axe.

Alyssa Sutherland

Funny enough I spent my night dreaming about the words I was going to put here today. Now that it is the morning I have very few words. Maybe I will have more after I don my wood cutting and chopping garb, my insulated overalls, Goggles, bandana, Bluetooth buds, hearing protection, heavy gloves snow boots, and a determination to get the job done. All except the last one.

We will be experiencing a cold night, -16. I have to go out and do woodcutting, chopping, and transport. My fire has been out since yesterday, me and the cats survived it is still 15 inside, that is doable.

After that is done I hope to raid the villages of bad Vikings in my longboat and take their loot. Split skulls with my father’s axe and move on to the next quest. I haven’t done this all week because I don’t play unless I do work first, I have done very little. On the mend.

Every log I cut, I cut for you.
That all went just as I expected it would, except for the 3 inches of crusty snow and ice. I went out and cut logs until my body said quit, Which I did right after I loaded the logs and transported them up the driveway across the ice and chopped them. My rest came as I gathered snow for melt. After that I loaded the logs brought them inside, brought the snow, the axe, sledgehammer and chainsaw inside. I got out of my soaking wet overalls. Yes, it’s true I sweat.

I tried to relax by the cold fire, but the boy cats wouldn’t have it. They all wanted to sit on me and be petted. I remembered the chickadees they were trying to communicate. Al I heard is hey we have a need for seed. So I took care of that.

I looked at the log hoop empty and lonely. I couldn’t have that, so I unloaded the wheelbarrow and filled the hoop. I separated some smaller pieces to light the fire with. Wheelbarrow empty I put the axe and hammer back inside, ready for the next trip out there.

Now is when I do my rest. I am typing this waiting for the images of today to upload.


ice ice baby

Last one