Victory is won not in miles but in inches. Win a little now, hold your ground, and later, win a little more.

Louis L’Amour

Cold and snow coming. I need more wood cut, chopped, transported and the firewood brought inside and stacked. Plus all the other fun things. I have laundry hanging outside that a snowstorm won’t help, so I need to deal with that too.

Wood got transported To the chopping block.  Litter boxes emptied From bad things refilled with good. I had To come In and rest. I was still dressed for -20. I was overheated and when I got to the loft I remembered then I had hung a frozen blanket in front of an open window right above the fireroom. It was 25 in here.

I still needed to go out and chop, but after I cooled down a bit. Like that was going to be possible. At least I could rehydrate.

What ? I had to rest and a good thing it was solid ice and the load tipped. I managed to keep most inside the wheelbarrow. Little victories

I did the wood chopping, my fingers so sore can hardly type. But the job is done. Let the cold come let the snow come.