The thing about a hero, is even when it doesn’t look like there’s a light at the end of the tunnel, he’s going to keep digging, he’s going to keep trying to do right and make up for what’s gone before, just because that’s who he is.

Joss Whedon

End of the month coming. Hopefully the end of a season. I can’t say it has been a hard winter, it has been a good winter with some nasty periods mixed in.

I am still trying to get through with the wood I have left. Although getting it out is proving difficult. The remaining logs are buried in solid ice and close to the ground. Close to the ground means dulling the chain the second you hit it with the chain, dull chain means you stop cutting and be content with whatever you get.

So why am I doing that instead of just ordering another truckload? I needed to clean up the wood at the bottom, some of those logs have been there 10 years and were rotting. I needed to clean up the pile so that I could start again.

Sometimes that is a parable for life. Scrape away the bad things from your life so that you can start fresh. It is hard to do that when you are carrying the baggage of the past. Every decision you make is coloured by what has happened before. You make wrong decisions. The same ones you have made before. The more things change the more they stay the same.

So what do you do, dig down to the bottom of the log pile to remove all the rotten wood of your life, examine every piece and get rid of the bad.

Over the years hidden in loads of wood were ants, the kind that eat houses. Some of those ants are in my current house and eating away at the very core structure. The same happens in life you let in very bad things, and they can eat away at you until everything collapses.

So what do you do when u encounter the ants again? Do everything you can to get rid of them before they do damage. Do everything you can, no matter how hard it is. No matter how much it hurts to do the job.