Real friends stab you in the front.

Jonathan Davis

Real friends, don’t let their friends get high on sugar. Hahaha. Yes, I do have a sugar hangover, Yes I shouldn’t have bought sugar-drenched hot cross buns, No I shouldn’t have binged on them at 5 AM. Yes, I have a severe sugar hangover. Real friends, don’t let their friends get high on sugar. Oh, I said that already. I don’t eat sugar, I told my then family 30 or more years ago sugar is bad, they all laughed.

Onto the day. I have to find a decent chain, put it on the saw, so I could go cut wood that is still encrusted with ice and so low to the ground, it would dull the chain in seconds. I haven’t had heat for two days, No problem, it is 10 inside, with sweaters and a bathrobe, I can endure that. My morning coffee tastes like club soda. I do seem to remember now, that there was some in the bottom of the cup from the sugar binge. Real friends don’t let their friends get high on sugar. Did I already say that?

It is good Friday, I am not sure why we call it that, it symbolizes the murder and torture of the man who symbolizes the son of God. WTF. We should be ashamed of that.

I am sure he existed, I am not sure of the circumstances and the actual day. Maybe that is not important. Maybe just remembering what happened is enough. After all many religions were built on that event.

I am out here cutting wood. Huffing and puffing. I got a load. Stopped to rest by the top of the driveway. Waiting for my pounding heart to slow down before the next task. Get water for cats.

I don’t have a way to melt it yet. I noticed moisture on top of the woodstove. Idiots peed on that if I could start a fire right now the whole house would stink of hot cat piss.  That is not an event you want to experience.

Next move the load to the wood chopping block go inside have breakfast. Then chop wood, wash wood stove do litter boxes try to start the fire. Collapse. Maybe not in that order.

Done chopping and litter boxes. Fire is ready for light, but I will wait until dark to do that. No use wasting scarce and hard to get wood till you need it. Floors are swept and chickadees fed. Laundry that was sitting in icy puddles after the big windstorm retrieved and hung up again.

I need sugar. No, I don’t.

To my one reader and friend