The reward for work well done is the opportunity to do more.

Jonas Salk

It’s morning the cold is back, I figure -10 the weather service says -5.  Some cats are fed others broke into the kitchen and helped themselves, leaving a big mess behind. If you smiled or chuckled at that, sorry to say that makes you a mean-spirited soul. There seems to be too many of those in the world already.

My days start the same as many others, I fight through the pain crawl out of bed, grab my phone and coffee cup to see what my day holds. I got a hint when I saw my kitchen door open. Everything was scattered on the floor. Calmly I searched for the twist on top of my thermos. Picked up as many other items off the floor. I made hot water for coffee, fed the boy cats. Cats needed water and I had none. So I gathered up my snow boots and head out to the last patch of snow. I had brought a hammer in case I encountered hungry predators. That was a good decision.

The snow was solid ice, I would have to chip away to get enough to water the cats. The other problem was there was no fire. So after making coffee on my camp stove, I put the big steel bowl with the ice on there to melt for cats. I got halfway through, fed the water to the boy cats, the misbehaving girl cats got some water some ice. Except for the pregnant one, she got invited into my office where there was water and food waiting for her.

Of course, I am back at my desk typing this, I knew today I would fire up the new gen, empty the water storage tank to get it ready for repair. The outside rain tank was full but frozen, I still needed to get the tank ready. Today I also hoped to do some laundry, I was running out of pants. I was also curious to see if the gen would run my table saw.

That wouldn’t happen till I finished the break-in. One hour of no-load change the oil, another hour of no-load change the oil. Another hour of load and change oil one more time. Then it would be ready.

Things I loved and disliked about the gen started to become apparent. Screws for the oil compartment dumb, those will get lost. Fuel shutoff separate from on-off switch,  awesome carb could be drained between uses. Oil plug made from very thin plastic, I would see about ordering extra right now. Spark plug cover falls out that was going to be a problem. USB port and cigarette lighter port great. I would consider added a USB cable to the inside to charge my power banks. Cigarette power plug for charging 12v batteries also cool except carrying them up to the workshop to charge. The other worry was overcharging. I could wire in a charge controller that would take care of that.

It could also mean I could wire my shop lights up and build a permanent insulated battery box. I could also wire the rear solar panels to the batteries and let them charge the shop batteries. The possibilities were endless. What it really meant was more work.

Rea don’t skip the song 😀

Man I miss my beard.