When my father died, I did not cry. When my cat died three days later, I cried a lot.

Alejandro Jodorowsky


The big snowstorm didn’t really happen. It did get cold, windy with a frosting of snow, but that’s all. Today is another hard day. I am watching a close friend slowly waste away. Every time I look over to see if she has expired I feel pain. I think I figured it out. I want to remember her full of life, not slowly dying. She has been a good friend for over 20 years. Longer than should have been. They say the lifespan of a cat is 17 years. Cali has always been there for me. I remember watching her running through the field behind the house after mice or a piece of dandelion fluff floating in the wind. She was happy. That’s the way I want to remember my Cali.

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Whose idea was it to shave off the beard? Oh yea I remember. I went out to gather wood had plans to chop the wet heavy monsters I sledgehammered out of the ground. Soaking 100 pound logs that were forced deep into the ground by the weight of 300 heavy 60 foot logs. Those haven’t seen daylight in a very long time.
I got them to the woodpile and realized the wind was freezing my face. I mean frostbite frozen flesh cold. I knew I would have to abandon the idea of splitting for now.

I did own a face covering it was safe with my Bluetooth headphones and 12 pound splitting maul. Somewhere.

As for Cali, she keeps hanging on, I hear a small moan, and then I see a leg move. I don’t know what keeps her going. I am just trying to keep her warm and as comfortable as I can. It must be awful to go through that. It is not much fun for me.

Update: Cali appeared to be gone, but when I touched her, her body moved I can only assume that her brain is still alive. I won’t try to move her until much later. She was a great cat.

I am not sure what to do with her body. The ground will be frozen. She deserves a spot in the pet graveyard. Leaving her corpse outside is not an answer either, predators would just get her.

Cali is gone.i pray that there is cat heaven and she is happy there. I will miss her.