In winter, there will be snow for months on end. In the summer, there are the long evenings to enjoy.

Magnus Carlsen

Lies. A watched pot does boil. The sun does eventually go down. Winter does end, I hope. More snow yesterday followed by freezing rain this morning. They say it will be warm tomorrow, but today it is not.

Big day planned, it is definitely a Firman day. Solar panels are making 6.9 watts, the shunt takes away 7, no power is getting to the batteries. Litter boxes need filling, ashes need removing, my dear friend needs cremating.  I just reached into my bathrobe sleeve and felt something wet and bad. Yup cat puked in there.  Laundry day may have arrived. If it is time for that so comes emptying of the remainder of the water in the storage tank. The repair will be another day. That needs doing soon. The outside water tank will thaw, and water needs to be pumped inside before the spring rains.

After all that, time to do my taxes.

Well that was exciting. All at once now. ‘

I emptied the ash from the woodstove. I wanted a clean stove, so I could cremate my Cali. I carefully filled the stove with wood and fire starter leaving a space at the bottom for my friend. I lit the fire and when it was roaring. I put her inside. It needed to be done the ground was sit ll frozen outside there would be no digging. I said goodbye to the old girl and went on to do jobs that needed doing.

I started the firman in eco-mode and tried the mitre saw. Generator died. So I took it off eco-mode and tried the table saw. That worked, but the gen was clearly unhappy. Next onto laundry.

Mama Rea say pre-soaking my sweatpants for 8 weeks is bad. I just didn’t know how bad. I opened the lid and there was white stuff floating around stinking white stuff.  I went onto another task I needed to drain the inside water tank. I primed the little electric pump and filled 4 five gallon storage containers. I filled the cat’s dishes with water.

Now it was time to focus on the washing. I drained the 8-week water out into a drain bucket. I looked down, and I could see a foot, then a tail, a second later a head bobbed up. I thought for a moment that the mouse had been pre-soaking for eight weeks. Then I realized not possible. There was a screen at the bottom of the washer. The mouse had climbed into the bucket and died. I took that bucket outside and dumped that.

I would end up using all four of the containers of water to wash and clean the laundry. When I was done that I filled all the containers again. Those would be used for cats and the Berkey filters for coffee water. They had to last until I repaired the water tank and cleaned it, and refilled it.

Now after hauling dirty water buckets and filling containers my back was sore. I took some time to check on Cali. Where I had left her was a bed of coals. The room was insanely hot. I turned the stove way down. It must have been 60 c or more in there. I opened the door to the rest of the house sat on my milk crate guarding the door. No boy cats would pass. After 20 minutes of sitting there, I checked the temp again. It didn’t even budge.

I needed to rest so here I am writing.

Soon all green and froggy.


Dude u got gray

The sunnier, the better