Behind every great man is a woman rolling her eyes.

Jim Carrey

Today as on other days, I fed the cats, watered the cats checked the bird food. The last one was just out of habit, my Chickadees have moved further away and have not touched the feeder. I already miss them. Other birds have taken their place around my property but not at the feeder. The redwing blackbirds will be nesting in the willows near the pond, filled with ducks and frogs and soon mosquito larvae. I don’t like them, but I know they are food for the bugs and critters on my property. I am in return food for them.

I moved on and heated the water for my coffee, noticed the coffee tub was empty. The propane bottle I used for cooking also very low, I might get one more coffee out of it, but I doubted. Food running low too, but I do have a can of spinach in the pantry and I did serve as a sailor in the navy. hahaha

Today if the rafters were dry enough I might be able to start on the rafters on the back deck. I at least got them cut and ready before winter. Yesterday if you read a waterproofed them and found a use for the old to hastily removed from my gen for break-in. Oh yea that reminds me, need to change that again then breaking is done. I do need some more oil.

I lit a fire today, I needed hot water to have a bath with and the house temp had dropped to about 12 inside. I had a hot bath in less than two gallons of water. Hair washed and conditioned, every nook and cranny washed and rinsed. A few years ago while laying in my daily 100 gallons of electrically heated hot water, I would have told you that’s impossible. How many thousands of gallons did I waste. The best part I was standing in front of a hot wood stove. I feel clean.

I am off to have my second cup of the day, yes that was the last of my fresh coffee.  Will I get to the rafters I hope so, but I did notice some litter boxes that need doing? For now drinking coffee watching a little u tube.


Moron next door lighting a grass fire in a high wind. If it crosses gravel I will lose everything. And a lot of cats will die maybe even me too.