To see things in the seed, that is genius.

Lao Tzu

Now I hurt. I went to the village to pick up a few hundred pounds of orders at the post office then onto the town and then went grocery shopping. I found some jars that were on sale cheaper than Amazon. I am about to try the Kratky method of growing lettuce and few other herbs. To experiment. The best part once you fill the jars with water and nutrient that’s it, besides eating fresh salads. Look on YouTube you will find lots of others doing that. Summer is coming here, but I am actually experimenting for winter. I hope to add led grow lights that run on my solar system. It would be amazing to get fresh lettuce at Christmas.

My groceries and things are mostly put away. I can hardly move, so I will be taking a nap soon. Now that I have supplies my workload just tripled. Outside work that is, oh and BTW I saw one waiting at my door, a mosquito. It was big as life already threatening me. The war has begun, she was the first casualty. That also adds to the workload, time to break out the mosquito net. So, I have to finish the rafters on the deck, get the new clear tarp up, transfer and carry water for the jars, make Rock wool cubes, germinate the seeds, get them in the jars. Soak microgreen seeds, plant them in trays oh and move a shelving unit up for the jars. When that is all done, set up two new solar panels that I got three months ago when they were cheap, I am not making enough power to sustain my needs. All this needs doing before the big rains on Monday. With big rains come big hungry mosquitos. You don’t want to be outside for that.