Because no matter who we are or where we come from, we’re all entitled to the basic human rights of clean air to breathe, clean water to drink, and healthy land to call home.

Martin Luther King III

Big day, it was repair the water tank and transfer water from the outside day. There was a rainstorm heading in on Tuesday. I wanted to capture that to fill the top half of the indoor storage tank  I even left a little in the tank, so I could scrub it a little and get the algae and worse to go out the valve onto the ground. There are still big chunks at the bottom, the only way to get those out is to send a tiny person inside to pick them up. The tank is 90 percent cleaner. The water I transferred even after a debris filter was brown-looking. I threw half a bottle of hydrogen peroxide in there to kill and moving things and leftover algae. My coffee water was still filtered through Berkeys, so I think that is safe. My back is so sore I can hardly move,

The great thing I changed the oil in the gen to a thicker weight, and now it runs the chop saw, how cool is that.


750 gallons per hour I don’t fucking think so 150 maybe

Hopefully this won’t leak again


I know I have used this song a few times, but I like it and it’s my blog.