If you think you’re too small to have an impact, try going to bed with a mosquito.

Anita Roddick


As you can see in the picture, rain is imminent. The indoor clue was the fast and furious mosquito buzzing my head. They get very aggressive before the rain and numerous after.
I am now ready for my office intruder. My monk’s bathrobe, covering most of my body including my head. The second pair of sweatpants just pulled up to my knees making sure my ankles are covered. Only exposed skin on my hands and face. I even have my bug zapper and USB light turn on. I had hope it will meet its fate on the small electrified grid. I love that thing it has a led light, and bug zapper and UV light to attract the critters, all built into the size and shape of a light bulb. Rechargeable by USB and it runs for about 12 hours.

You can find them on AMAZON, but now the price has tripled.

I checked my water tank, no leaks. The water was still murky, so I added another half bottle of peroxide. I will check that later in the day.

The stuff I need to do today, clean the Berkey filter setup. Using snow water all winter and especially as the snow levels got lower has introduced all matter of bad things that I am sure are slowing the filter down. Now that I have rainwater in stock, I hope it will run quicker. I am excited about starting some jars of plants using the Kratky Method. I wanted to use Aqua Pura (yes, a fallout 3 name) to do that.