Life is full of beauty. Notice it. Notice the bumble bee, the small child, and the smiling faces. Smell the rain, and feel the wind. Live your life to the fullest potential, and fight for your dreams.

Ashley Smith

I have no pictures so I will use words. I got up and the things a bachelor with too many cats does. I fed them watered them and took two litter boxes of wood pellet soaked urine outside. I did one other thing, I lit the fire. I knew that was going to be a horrible event. The boy cays love pissing on the stovepipe and the top of the woodstove. There is no amount of scrubbing and cleaning that will remove that. The only way is to burn it off, filling the house full of acrid thick smoke. In winter that’s not a problem since the stove runs constantly from November to May.

One day I dream of having an outdoor enclosure for the cats.  I could send them out for the cleanup and painting of their room. They would have access to all the grass they could eat. It would only be for the warm seasons.  I would build it partially sheltered from rain and snow. Ya one year.

Gracie and I went to the village and then to town. Did most of the things I wanted to get done and got home. Poor old Gracie. I needed to spend some quality time with her. Change her oil, do some bodywork, It needed doing. I have a million things I needed doing, so getting the essentials done takes priority over the rest. The only problem once the essentials are done so am I. I guess that’s my life.