Without hard work, nothing grows but weeds.

Gordon B. Hinckley

It is Sunday. The mosquitos are starting to arrive. For me, that means for a while outside work gets done in the hot sun or during the wind. The biggest task is to get my rear deck covered and finished.

All I have to do is:

  1. Cut rafters to final configuration on table saw. After I find and learn how to use the taper jig I bought two years ago.
  2.  Put up boards on the trailer side for rafters.
  3.  Cut old tin away with hand shears
  4. screw rafters to support beam
  5.  cut strips to hold down plastic clear tarp. after finding wood for that. I needed 100 feet of strips.
  6. stretch out clear tarp cover the center of the deck
  7. Put up all the strips and pray for no wind and hot day (mosquitoes)
  8. finish angles on deck. find boards to cover decking on angles. Plane  (hope the new-gen will run the plane) then cut on table saw if required.
  9.  This should be one. clean shop enough to cut and process all the wood I need.
  10. Moove two extremely heavy windows to the rear of the house.
  11. Frame windows into deck. Carefully cut traps around windows so I don’t lose the view
  12. find a way to screen in the angles and add a door
  13. Move my old dump find rocker out there with end table have a coffee.
  14. Move all my plants out there.

The great news, stuff is starting to grow my Rhubarb is up.

If only I knew of somebody that could make a decent pie

My on sale tree I bought ten years . I go it cheap because it was almost dead.

The bad news so are the thistles that were tarped with a black tarp for 4 years.


They just won’t die