Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.

Albert Einstein

I have noticed that I have written less in here over the last few weeks. I do try to maintain with pictures. They may be the same pics almost every day. For me, they are a record of the day outside. Last night summer storms pouring rain and thunder, today just sunny and muddy.

I used to go out and take a pic of the sun’s position every morning at sunrise, and I may get back to that later. When the sun isn’t rising at 5 in the fricken morning.

I am enjoying being able to sleep for more than four hours at a time.

Reflecting on my life with too many cats, I have had time to look at past and current relationships. Because of the many experiences, I have had, it is easy to see the moments that they start to slip away. The precise moment when conversations get less and less until there is nothing left to talk about. The true meaning of taking a partner for granted.

With our pandemic, that is multiplied a thousandfold. Relationships die, soon to become nothing more than Facebook friends. Which isn’t really friendship at all. Sad, I am sure it’s my fault, I am just not that easy to have a relationship with I guess. We carry on. Me and the cats, so no I am not schizophrenic.

The deck needs finishing, staining boards today. The cats are almost out of food, the food arrives tomorrow. I may have to add to their meals tonight, to stretch it out, tuna, with a little oatmeal and cat food. The morning will be tough. I may have to go into the village, get cat food and come back to the house to feed them before I head off to town to get food for myself.

Water got pumped from the inside tank. 30 gallons worth. Just as I finished up the rain started to pour out from the sky. I got my generator turned off and brought it inside. I really couldn’t have waited another minute. Cats are fed as I said earlier.

And I forgot my supper downstairs. One more trip down. Oh, I did take a pic of the storm, but my camera had a problem saving it, so just look at yesterday’s pictures. They are the same today. Too many selfies, I guess, and I wrecked the CCD.