If you want to see the sunshine, you have to weather the storm.

Frank Lane

The big storm continues until tonight. At least that is what the weather warning says. The wind seems to have calmed down, it was running at 90k they say. I have to believe them. It was the worst wind I have heard in years here.

Heavy rain is forecast for the rest of the day.



I have a lot of inside work that needs doing. I have to clean up the woodwork shop enough to make some smaller lumber out of bigger lumber. That is if my gen can handle that task. I have been completely underwhelmed by its performance. The other day it barely ran my circular saw.

My little battery-powered saw just isn’t enough. There is a newer model, which they say has more power. I am tempted to get it. The price is not expensive. But after watching the reviews on YouTube, I decided against it.

I also need to try to save some plants. I will try to do cloning with some stimroot powder to see if that helps. I am not hopeful. But we will see what happens.

The mint I saved last time. Brought in to protect it from the storm

I went into the woodshop and cleaned the floor in one small area 10 feet by ten feet. It was not a big area but significant because it was a start.

It is 1:10 PM The warnings have been removed. I am sure the rain is not over but, I think much less will fall.

I just cut up the remaining of my mint and the last surviving kale plant and I covered the stems with stimroot and put them in the dirt with the other mint. I even put bare stocks in the dirt after covering them with stimroot. We will see what happens.

So home much did it rain? This much, I figure about two gallons fell into this bowl. It’s a big bowl.

It looks like most of the storm has passed.

I did order a new saw and a new blade, one that should run better with my generator. I chose an AC saw. It does mean I need power, but I am ok with that if it saves me time. Doing some smart shopping, I saved a hundred dollars. I got the saw and blade for $78.71 I had 79. 12 in my account. Gee, I hope my food holds out hahaha.