Take care of all your memories. For you cannot relive them.

Bob Dylan

I don’t know how it happens. One day you have two cats, and then you have 40, and you have become the crazy Catman.
I rescue them and keep them safe and feed them, give them water and love every day. I rescue the strays that show up. Well you are thinking cats are clean and non-destructive.

Guess again. Just like people, there are evil cats and good cats. Just like people, they can be influenced, by gang leaders.

After the morning routine, I have a bowl of granola, apple chunks in today’s, drowned in oatmilk. I have my hot coffee beside me with a handful of cacao nibs thrown in. I read somewhere they help with memory, so I had to try them for myself.

I did notice an improvement in my memory, no I still cannot remember where my Bluetooth hearing protectors are. But in the morning I remember exactly where I left things and what I need to gather for my day. For me, that’s an improvement. My short-term memory is better. I think my very long-time memory is better too. I am remembering childhood memories I thought long forgotten.

My girlfriend laughs at me for eating the cacao nibs, come to think of that, I seem to remember her laughing at me a lot. Thanks for the memories, Cacao nibs. Like the Supertramp song says, she is the only one I got.

The surviving mint and the last Kale plant. I remember the year I grew kale that had four-foot leaves. I had so much I was giving it to the girls at the bank.