Don’t tell your problems to people: eighty percent don’t care; and the other twenty percent are glad you have them.

Lou Holtz

I should be loading up my trailer with a million and six garbage bags of cans left over from a year or more of bachelor cooking. All of those stored on Lucille’s truck frame. That was the plan. Then, when I went out to take my morning walk and photo session, I noticed the grass was wet, the driveway was wet. It had rained again. That meant the road to the dump and even worse the dump itself would be a sea of mud.

Did I have other stuff to do? You bet more time in the wood workshop. I had to build a place for my kittens, so they could poop and pee in safety. That required a cleaner shop. No matter what, it needed to be built from wood. I also needed to make sure it was pee-proof. The solar batteries were directly below the area I have chosen for this. Big boxes of stuff needed moving. The failed Kratky jars needed to be hauled down. They failed because my water supply was poisoned. As soon as the plants got water they died. I am guessing a farm chemical was involved.

That problem has been solved.

Letterboxes are done, 500 pounds of cat poo poo and worse. Also hauled in a new bag of wood pellets from the van, then hauled a new 5 gallon container of water for the cats.  Cats are fed and watered.

Hot and sweaty out now, but I accomplished a few things today. Thank God for my USB fan.

Kratky redone