Ah, summer, what power you have to make us suffer and like it.

Russell Baker

Now a June Heatwave coming. Record-breaking temps to be here in a few days. It’s already too hot in my loft. In a few days unbearable. I will have to move lower into the house to survive.

Yesterday outside was only 26 but inside 35. When outside gets 40 it will be 55 inside the loft.
The bad part I needed to move a lot of stuff down to the old living room. Plants, kittens, cats, and worse.

Oh, yea did I mention I was storing a lot of tools and supplies down there for the solar battery shelf rebuild, all that needed to be moved and put away. I am talking about a ton of stuff. Plus an old recliner that I should have thrown out a long time ago. A big heavy recliner. It was going to take me about 6 or 7 hours to get the work done.

Other things need doing today too. I needed to haul a few 16 foot 2×10’s into the shop, so I can turn those into 2×4 boards for the deck rebuild. If they are inside the shop, then they will be literally cooler to work with. So when I clean enough junk off the table saw and chop saw, I can work on those. If the generator will run them.

I noticed that the sunflower seeds I was sprouting for microgreens are ready to be put in a tray. That also needed doing today. Like my day wasn’t busy enough.

I would start that after coffee. And I will supply pictures before and after, just because I needed to embarrass myself further.

In summer where you are, these temps may not be that hot. Just as in winter here -20c is t-shirt weather for chopping wood. But in summer these temps for us are terrible.

I got my plants moved what was left of them, they are outdoors. Except for the Kratky experiments, only 3 of those left and I did another with swamp water. Just to see if that worked. Sunflower seeds are in a tray I used swamp water again unfiltered. More experiments.

Rough but still mostly green

Aloe saved. I was down to one stalk, and it came back, even with the poisoned water

Badly damaged but a lot cheaper than buying wood right now

I got one 2×10 inside next time I will chop in half before I try that again. I mentioned in a previous post that I cleaned a ten by ten area in my shop. The board is 16 feet long.

I spent a little time cleaning out the battery room. Some tools were put away. I had forgotten about all my photography books. I was out of bookshelves, and I needed a place to put them.

Looking at the darkness, another storm is about to roll in. Thunder has started. As of 3 PM so has the rain.

It happened my first real mosquito bite. I should have had hundreds by now. Normally, mosquito season should be over. This year it never got started, at least until now.