Cherish all your happy moments; they make a fine cushion for old age.

Booth Tarkington

I go to thinking this morning at 3 AM like I sometimes do. Did I spend all the time I could have with my loved ones, or did I squander precious moments away? Too busy, or too self-occupied, to notice them slipping away. I wonder how many of us hide behind the “I did the best I could” statement.  Do really believe your own B.S. Do you really?  My excuses used to start with “right after….” or  “in a minute…..” And the famous “I am too busy” What are your favourites excuses.

Now that they are gone, are you sure that you did the best you could or just do what you had to, to get by?

So pause for what is important, you can’t get that time lost back, love your children, pet your cat or dog, kiss your wife or husband. It will take but a moment.  If you don’t somebody else might. Be back soon, I have little kittens that need petting.

I just got a glimpse of what an end moment could look like. I fell overreaching for a water dish for my kittens. I knocked over my laptop and tablet and a lot of other things, I managed to catch the laptop before it hit the ground but suffered some damage to my wrist as a result. The wrist would heal, mostly. The laptop survived, so did the tablet. I was the only one damaged. I can live with that. The rest of the day may be a little more painful. Just add to the list. That wrist was already damaged anyways.

my house

her house

Definitely resembles my life