I grew up in Texas, but that was 20 years ago. Last year, in Fort Worth, they had hail the size of softballs. We’re seeing more and more powerful storms, of all types, almost on a biblical level.

Bill Paxton (May 17, 1955 – February 25, 2017) Actor from movie Twister

Theme words for the day. “How nice”

Extreme heat warnings and extreme storm warnings today. Lightning, thunder, hail, Tornado all possible. The smoke looks thick, chancing more damage to my lungs. I will stay in as much as possible. The trip to the dump is again cancelled. I can get more work done in the kitchen. I managed to walk barefoot in there, for two feet. No pun intended.

Haven’t seen this movie yet

It suddenly got very Dark outside, oh oh. So dark solar panels only producing 5 watts of power.


On the Covid front, it is like I said, non vax people will not be able to enter Canada.

From the News:
Unvaccinated tourists won’t be welcome in Canada for ‘quite a while,’ PM Trudeau says

I went back into the kitchen cleaning some of the worst stuff I have seen the cats do. That is what I thought. Until I moved the custom cover I made to protect my new range. I remember the day I brought it home.  I saved for months to get that. Right away, I designed and built a cover for it. That story here. I was sure it was safe. Then I moved the cover and saw what the cats had done. It took me another hour just to clean that up. My cover was not cat urine-proof.

And add to the more disasters, the floor under where the stove sat as rotten and soft. That meant the adjoining wall, a structural wall was not safe. One more big job to do, before the heavy snows of winter.

After an hour of scrubbing with cleaner


I could see the leaking under the cover

My day wouldn’t be complete without a little blood

as it was designed

Thinking ahead, I thought about the garbage out in the trailer. It would stay dry in the plastic bags, then I thought of hail. Hail would shred those bags. I grabbed an old torn tarp and put it over the bags. It would stop golf ball size hail, but would do for smaller stuff.

I went back to work in the kitchen, I washed another ten square feet of floor. The stuff on there was so vile, I had to scrub it on my knees one square foot at a time, just like we had to do every day on our Destroyer during my time in the Canadian Navy.

What a day. Now i have another cat dying. Stripey is on his way. Pkease take care of him make his passing painless and quick.