The woods are lovely, dark and deep. But I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep.

Robert Frost

Dark day. No solar, no video games, no computer, no generator, no outside work, almost.

I can do some inside work but even that is limited due to the darkness. The rain has started to come down. There will not be a dump trip again tomorrow because of mud. At least it is ready to go. Maybe next weekend.

As for inside work, I have more than I can really fathom. So much some days I really don’t know where to start. I have two general categories, stuff I want to do and stuff that needs doing. Sometimes it all seems the same to me.

Litter boxes need doing today, in pouring rain. My office needs doing, I have five 2-month-old kittens that don’t use the box yet. I need to build doors around my battery shelves, the little kittens torment me by climbing on the batteries and chewing on wires. That is a 3-hour job complicated by using just cordless tools. Too rainy to use the gen on the unfinished deck.

I still need to organize the office more before doing more carpentry. I need to clean up more workshop to build anything.  I am charging my USB light right now, that needs doing before I start. My solar batteries are low already and not much chance of charging today. I am thankful I built my 16 cell power bank, that will keep me using my tablet tonight while the rains come down.

Well, that was fun, from one minor disaster to another. First, the drill battery was dead, no problem I had a spare in the charger, only that one was dead too. So I plugged in the charger it sucked down the power in the solar battery so low, I knew they would be permanently damaged if I continued. No problem, I had two smaller ones. I could picture them clearly in my mind, but not their location. So off I went to search for them in the usual locations.

How could you stay mad at that face? That’s Bam Bam. Yes, he has a sister named Pebbles.

No luck, so I went back to clean up. The kittens had knocked laundry off the clean pile to the floor. No problem, except they also thought my socks made a good litter box. Off I went to grab gloves, the leather ones, I thought if I was careful. Well, you know how that went. The rubber gloves would have been a better choice.

As I was cleaning up, I spotted the smaller batteries, great I just needed the drill, which I put somewhere. Back to searching. I found the drill, put in the battery. Then I tried to remember why I needed the drill in the first place.

I really need to remember to get my memory-enhancing cacao nibs out of the van. Oh yea I had more stuff in the van that needed unloading and I needed to grab another 40 pound bag of wood pellets out of the van too. That would another problem to solve. The bags were at the side door. I had parked the van too close to the wall on that side.

Back to the shitty leather gloves. I washed those in water and hung them up to dry. Back to clean up, I managed to sweep a 2 ft by 10 ft area. That only took two hours. It seems today wasn’t my day.

After a quick break, I will try to accomplish more.


C2 Cali the sequel

Cute little poop machines.

I remember everything now