A living dog is better than a dead lion.

Ecclesiastes 9:4

I saw a short video of Stephen Hawking yesterday that inspired me. He said as long as you are alive, there is still hope.

Some days walking is difficult, some days it’s breathing, other days the pain is overwhelming, along with intermittent dizziness, headaches, and balance problems happening. The latest is muscle pain and spasms. Once so bad I had to crawl to my van to get to the hospital.

Giving up is not an option for me. I tried that, in a 140-mile hour rolled 13 times spectacular high-speed chase and crash. God was not going to allow that to happen I have had others try to finish me, with vehicles, poison, even guns. In 1986 a drunk driver hit me head-on, that took 16 hours of surgery to repair and four years of physio to get me walking again. That surgeon told me I would never walk again. 2014 I was T-boned by a fast-moving Chevy truck. That broke my neck and back. The surgeon did such bad work on my neck and completely ignored the broken back. That it left me in unrelenting pain.

Emotional torture, financial torture, and even physical torture by a psychotic health care worker was tried. But I am still here, still alive.

Do I still have time to finish some of the things I started?

I hoped so. Today, Stephen Hawking gave me hope. So God and I had a chat and I asked for an extension and some relief from my damages and other health issues. I believe my answer was in the pictures below. Now the rest of the day gray and dark, but for a few seconds the sun came out. The few seconds I was out there.

Today I worked on moving stuff around. I needed to move a big dresser into my bathroom. I worked at a little at a time, one drawer at a time, with a few rest breaks, I got it done. Now I am working moving a big bookshelf, I plan to get a new desk built there, so I can work on electrical projects.

I had 5 little kittens to help me all day, my job was to make sure they didn’t get squished and during breaks to make sure they could cuddle in and recharge their batteries.

Bookshelf is moved, there were bad things behind it, horrible and unspeakable things. I washed the area with chemicals, squished one Bob. Bob is the name of all the spiders in my house.

Now the floor is drying, tommorow I start on the desk.