Freedom is never given; it is won

A. Philip Randolph

I woke in pain and dizzy at 4 AM. My right shoulder was hurting so bad I couldn’t sleep. I had suspected spinal trouble ever since the surgeon that was in there did bad work. The thought occurred that the position I slept in might be aggravating the pain. So I changed the position of my neck. Sure enough, the shoulder pain went away. I was able to sleep again. I woke with a terrible headache, but no shoulder pain.

Solution for one problem presented me with another.

It’s late afternoon. I just did most of my laundry. I am tuckered out, spent, exhausted.
The hardest part was carrying two 5 gallon containers of water. The rest of it was loading the machine and hanging wet laundry.

Changing the subject, I read something today that impressed me. Mila Kunis doesn’t wash her kids unless there is obvious dirt. The same goes for her. I used to have a bath every morning in a large tub, a hot bath. Heated with an electric water heater. What a waste of energy and water. I think in the future we will need water. Not to fill pools or, or to have endless showers, but to survive.

So I enjoyed reading about Mila who washes “pits, tits, holes and soles” her words.
I have learned how to wash my body in 2 liters of water or less.

I don’t trust my current water supply too full of roundup and now the Canadian Government wants to allow more into our food and water.
