You can’t help getting older, but you don’t have to get old.

George Burns

The pain is back , along with the other things. Breathing is difficult, I am slow walking, slow-talking, eyesight is fuzzy. Headaches too. I maybe 63 but today I feel 93.

It’s the start of the long weekend. My plans are simple. Finish the Xbox stand do a little interior cleaning and hopefully play a little Xbox before it gets too hot.

I worked on my Xbox stand for a couple of hours. It didn’t seem like I made much progress, but I think I did and that’s all that matters. It’s already too hot to work in there, came down to cool off. Power bar and Xbox are mounted speakers and sub next. I even future-proofed it. Left room for the new Xbox series x, if I can find one.

I was hoping to be done and gaming by now, then I remembered the 5 little poop machines that shared my sleeping space. I knew I would have sealed the components in and supply a way for heat to escape. I am working on a solution.
The front and back are on. Needed to wait (for the glue to dry.

Don’t worry, the extra glue gets removed

The extreme heat warning has arrived. 35 c