There is no greater tyranny than that which is perpetrated under the shield of the law and in the name of justice.


So why do I write in here? Maybe it’s for my future when my memory isn’t as sharp, maybe it is simpler than that. Maybe just a way to stay sane in a crazy world. Maybe it’s a great way for me to delay doing the tons of work I need to do, even just for a few minutes.

Whatever the reason, I am here typing words right now. The cats are fed, and my coffee is beside me. My body hurts in new places every day. I am a little concerned about that, I am a little concerned about my firewood situation too, and the fourth wave and the local government attempt to kill people by lifting restrictions in the middle of increasing infections. Just to scare people into getting VAX. 800 today 600 yesterday 400 before that.

Now I read that the VAX is only a three-month solution. If it was a permanent solution, why is the government helping to build a factory to make VAX? Does that make sense to anyone? Unless the government knows that this is how future and present wars will be fought.

Back to work, I spent an hour sanding my shelf boards. There were things on the boards that can’t be mentioned on the internet. Let’s just say my cats love me, but don’t like me. I closed my mouth while I was sending those spots. I discovered that the boards were solid oak, not mahogany as I thought. Someone had stained beautiful Oak to look like the wrong wood. Why would anyone do that?

Anyway, I could have run those boards through my planer and made the wood look brand new. That isn’t what I wanted. I wanted the boards to look old, and I wanted the crusty stuff gone. Maybe in the future, I can plane those boards down If I felt the need to. My carpentry is always designed with re-purpose and reuse in mind.

As I was finishing the last edge, I felt it. Rain was coming. I finished that board and gathered the rest up, along with the belt sander, gen and clamp and brought them all inside. The dreams I had of getting them covered in clear poly paint washed away, literally. I would have to finish the shelves yet another day. The shop would have to be cleaned out before I could do that inside. I could wait another day, sun forecast for tomorrow and Saturday.

The weather cleared enough to clear coat the shelves. Now if it just stays that way until they are dry.

I am a tree papa. My black poplar had a baby.

i  was just chillin on the couch and I heard it. Hail coming down my freshly painted boards outside. I sprung into action, I grabbed rubber gloves and sprinted out to the back door. When I got there, I realized there was not much could be done. I waited till the hail turned to just pure downpouring rain. I retrieved the shelves and brought them inside. I convinced myself it would just add to the antique look.  My only hope was that the paint was dry enough not to melt away. It was water-based polyurethane.


you can’t see it in this picture but the rain is still pouring down