The weather and my mood have little connection. I have my foggy and my fine days within me; my prosperity or misfortune has little to do with the matter.

Blaise Pascal

I don’t know if we had frost, I woke too late to see, but it could have happened. The grass was certainly wet enough to cause fog. Which is exactly what I had this morning as I woke. I was walking and thinking in slow motion again. I think the last time I had that was in July. It is an almost out-of-body experience. Walking happens in slow motion,  thinking as well, but there is some part of my mind that works in real-time because I am aware that it is happening.

I manage to walk outside take a few pics, make coffee, and sit down and type a few words. I think it is just taking a while for my body and brain to wake up on these days. I seem to be ok now. Maybe it is as simple as I need the caffeine, or I didn’t get enough sleep. Whatever it is, it’s interesting.