“Do or do not. There is no try.” 


I decided to do more work today that it would be humanly possible for a healthy 30 year old to do. I am more than twice that and disabled. I will get as much as I can done.

I brought down an old portable greenhouse shelf. I ordered a grow tent from Amazon yesterday that fits the shelves. I plan to get the Kratky method jars growing this winter. The best part is you only have to fill the jars with nutrients and water once. Your crops grow until the water is gone, by then it’s time to plant new ones. I will grow lettuce, kale and a few other leafy greens. The other thing that will be growing in there is microgreens, (google it) baby sunflower trays. Really crunchy and really good. I totally failed growing those this summer. Mice got in and ate all the sprouting seeds.

That’s the reason for the grow tent, to keep all mice and cats out of the growing veg. The inside is reflective, so no light is wasted. After I ordered the tent, I realized it looks like a giant cat scratching post. I will have to line the outside with wood.

Earlier in the year, I bought a set of USB powered grow lights. I only run solar power, and in the winter that is less because the days are very short. It is all another experiment in winter gardening in northern Alberta during the pandemic.

The hard part is I have to move the shelves and desk I just put together because the grow tent has to go next to the solar batteries. I just doubled my workload.
Tomorrow I will try again to get my trailer full of garbage bags to the dump. But right now it’s looking rainy again.



Litterboxes are done, floors swept not much else. Got chest pains today, heart attack I doubt it but more severe than last time.