Don’t go through life, grow through life.

Eric Butterworth

There it is, the first sip. Undaunted by the obstacles presented, I made my coffee. Now I reap the reward.

On my way, I got locked out of the kitchen, I put a screw through the frame last night coz cats got in the night before. The screw or the bit was stripped. The other bits were inside the kitchen. I searched around till I found my claw hammer and ripped that nasty screw that was keeping me away from the coffee that would start my morning. Nothing was getting in my way. Except for the two tiny kittens that followed me into the kitchen unseen.

I took a detour, went outside in my bathrobe and clean sandals to take my morning pictures. I stopped and looked at the pile of firewood that was not there, and closer to the house, the trailer full of garbage that had been growing since covid started. I needed to take it to the dump, which only opened on Saturdays. Today.

I had already decided that the narrow dirt roads would not be passable due to the giant farm machines desperate to remove their chemical-soaked crops. Oh I hear one right now. It was the right choice. Those machines gotta be wider than 25 feet wide, the road twenty. Backing a trailer full of garbage a half-mile, so they can get by would not be all that fun. And trust me, those machines are compensation for small somethings. They won’t move out of the way. They think they are the Gods of the road.

Do I resent all farmers? Nope, there are some good ones out there but seem to be less and less every day. One day we will wake up and realize to save the planet we need to grow our own food in every house, every condo, every balcony, rooftop or vacant lot. Grow what you can, stop poisoning the planet.

I am experimenting with growing inside in winter, as you might have read in other posts.

next saturday maybe

For you Kyoko

Thank you Tom I hope God is taking care of you.

my latest playthrough.