To love and be loved is to feel the sun from both sides.

David Viscott

Technically, I beat the sunrise, technically. There was a low flat cloud on the horizon as the sun rose. I managed to snap a few. I went back inside, as I was feeding the inside cats I had a rare sighting of the big cat, a 30-pound long-haired cat that appears when there is less prey. How big is it? This cat kills ducks, it is so big. He is afraid of humans, so he was abused by someone. He lets me get close, but not too close. Two years I ago I touched his nose, we were both ok with that. I try to feed him when I see him.

So I went back out and the sun was shining through, so I snapped a few more pics after I fed the big guy, the ones you see below. I have to stir in my milk and have a sip be back soon.

The sun is a great thing for me. I have solar panels. Enough said about that. Long days passed since I had gardens. The last time was a few years ago. I grew so much food I couldn’t eat it or store it. I had giant wheelbarrows full of carrots, beets, kale and much more. I used to have a family of five, then one day that ended and I never saw them again.

That last year I grew veg, the tellers at the bank got huge bags of fresh produce, everyone I knew did, even the demon I married I made sure a bag got delivered to her.

I tried to grow in pots on the back deck that went well until the cabbage moths came. Entire 5-foot high kale plants consumed in a day. I tried again inside, one moth got in my sole kale plant was covered in little green inchworms and completely devoured. I lost hope of fresh veg for a while.

I tried again this summer, using the Kratky jars in a window. We had an extreme heatwave and the water in the jars was almost near-boiling. It was 49.9 c outside for a few days. So hot I burned my hand on an outside doorknob. The plants all died. Experiment failed. I think both failed due to climate change. The bugs are getting worse, the weather is getting worse, summer and winter. I saw -52 c here. Yesterday I read confirmation of what I already knew. The extreme cold is caused by the Arctic getting warmer.

Hope renewed, I have a plan I have been working on all year it is about to come to fruition. I have been purchasing little by little the things I need to make this experiment work. I am waiting, like I mentioned before in a previous post for the last thing, Rockwool cubes. I have spray paint for the jars. I got white but I also plan to paint then black first then white to make sure they are not going to allow light into the jars. It is for algae control.

So what do we do? We adapt or die. That has been the whole purpose of all I do with alt energy and alt ag. I get my ideas from utube, I am not really a genius, I just have good internet most days. I don’t have enough money to try all the things I want to try, HHO generation, making power with heat and a few other things.

I will get there a little at a time. I wait for the best price and do the best I can with what I have. I could use a helper, I leave that to God.

Which one do you think is best? The last one haha