Dream no small dreams for they have no power to move the hearts of men.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Today is the hardest health day I have had in a while, walking, talking, thinking all in slow motion, muscle aches and pain, joint aches and pains. I am thankful I woke at 5 AM and had breakfast. Maybe thats what caused the funk I am in. I do remember I had a pleasant happy dream, not the usual apocalyptic, action filled, blockbusters that leave me exhausted as if I lived through them. It was a nice change.

What concerns me the most, is some of the dreams have come true. From 15 years ago I remember a dream where the world was burning, another where it was too hot to breathe, both those things happened this summer. So where does the fuel for dreams come from? The subconsious? I doubt that is the machinery that drives all dreams. I don’t believe that my subconcious can time travel. Is it my soul traveling multidimensional realms? Sounds like scifi. What ever the source it is interesting and tiring.

Made me cheer, and yes I was an adrenaline junkie when I was younger

Just ignore the following it is a list for me.

  1. build second stage water filter done
  2. prime and install filters fill with water done
  3. move grow tent into final location
  4. configure grow tent install shelves and lighting
  5.  Fill  jars filtered water for growing
  6. fill trays for growing greens
  7. Play rdr2 for an hour working on that now

filters in

stage two built

stage one stage two

Cheaper doesn’t mean better. A lot of carbon came off during priming