The life of the dead is placed in the memory of the living.

Marcus Tullius Cicero


The day outside has gotten darker, no solar today, no work will get done. I am holding a sick kitten who will pass sometime today. He is getting weaker and weaker, breathing is getting less and less. I didn’t want him to die alone.

Just as I hope when my time comes I won’t be alone either.

The little guy is almost gone stuff came out of the back end that wasn’t pleasant, on my pillow. That’s cleaned up, and he is laying on a Scott towel bed. I feel bad for him. Dying so slowly like he was clinging on every scrap of life he can.

My little guy is gone. He made a few last gasps and expired, I am thankful it is over. For him. I will keep him beside me for a little while to make sure he is gone.