Thousands have lived without love, not one without water.

W. H. Auden

To town and back again. My water transport tank is ready to pickup, my glasses are ready to pick up I needed a new broom. I always need a beyond meat burger, so I can single handedly save the planet.

So Gracie and I do what we do, we survive and complete a trip to town. I pick up all I can, including a few groc, swing by the post office to pickup freight and drive home. The 185-gallon tank is strapped to the roof and much lighter than the time I brought a 330-gallon tank home in a windstorm. That story is here.

This tank was much easier to handle. Thank God
Groceries unloaded, stuff unloaded, Gracie is tucked back into her home. Now I noticed I am tired out.

Ya it’s time for the song coz it’s so cool