Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life.

Omar Khayyam

Happy happy joy joy. Something my kids used to say when they were little. It is self-explanatory. I got my new Xbox controller and got it hooked up and working. I was able to finish eliminating Matriarch Benezia. I was going to kill the Arachni queen but couldn’t, it isn’t what I would do. Maybe after work, I can go to Virmire and blow up Saren’s base.

The best thing about the controller, it is the next generation. So it is the one that comes with the new Xbox. One day when the worldwide chip shortage and covid goes away, maybe I can get one, and then I will have a second controller for the person that doesn’t live here. Ya, it sounded better in my mind.

Tomorrow is dump day and guess what? Pouring rain again. Still no snow yet, but soon the trees are yellow. Today as you can see below grey no solar power today, if I want to use my new controller I need to fire up the gen. Something I have tried not to do. If I do, I need to do some work first. Even though I may not get to the dump, I can get everything ready. I have garbage bags in the kitchen, garbage bags to fill in the loft and also in the battery room where I am living and have been since the heatwaves.

I have to make a decision soon about what room I will spend my winter in. Right now I favour the battery room, my old living room. I will have to add insulation to the ceiling here to try to keep the heat in as much as possible. This was going to be a tough winter.

As I have said before, I don’t have enough wood to keep us all warm.