Time moves in one direction, memory in another.

William Gibson

I noticed something important this morning and over the last few days. Yesterday I made a coffee and forgot to drink it. That is a bad sign, coffee as I have mentioned many times here is a morning ritual for me. Today I fed and watered all the cats, boiled the water for coffee, disconnected the propane tank, did the first pour, water thru filter and then I left, poured a some cereal, cut up a banana, added the milk substitute of the day, grabbed my keyboard and mouse so I could type these words. I reached for my coffee to have a sip, it wasn’t there. It was still in the kitchen waiting for the second and third pour thru. I was grateful the water was still hot.

So what is different, a month ago I stopped adding cacao nibs to my coffee. I thought to myself I better buy some more from Amazon. So a few minutes later I logged into my Amazon page, but I couldn’t remember what I needed to order.

I did later, it is in my shopping cart, but now I needed money. Another week I would have some.

My memory is going but the nibs help or at least I believe they do so they do. That is the most important thing.