We all have our time machines. Some take us back, they’re called memories. Some take us forward, they’re called dreams.

Jeremy Irons

-42 they say. I went out and filled the big stainless bowls with fresh snow to melt, scraped off the solar panels with the machete I brought outside to fend off a bobcat attack.

After that was inside and melting on the woodstove, I decided to chop a bit of wood. No pics because my phone was charging. Not a smart move, no way to call if I was attacked.

I grabbed the sled and added the wood I had chopped, brought it all inside. I knew it wasn’t enough for the cold night ahead, the coldest of the latest extreme event. -48 tonight.

I had to stop, even with my warmest gloves, my fingers started to freeze. My lungs were burning.

I would have to go out again later. I am glad I cut extra logs in the days before. I didn’t want to fire up the chainsaw today. Even to scare off the big cat that was stalking me a few days ago.

I went back chopped more got more snow for melt, froze my fingers and my lungs. I hurt my spine, I brought everything inside, I would have enough firewood to get me through Christmas Day to Boxing Day.

The day I had spinal surgery 7 years ago.