An optimist stays up until midnight to see the new year in. A pessimist stays up to make sure the old year leaves

Bill Vaughan

I did the most important things that needed doing. I dug in the snow to find logs. I cut the logs into 6-foot lengths. Got them out of the ice and snow. Then onto cutting them into blocks. Loaded the sled and dragged them over to the chopping block.

I was winded, so I came in for a short rest. After 10 minutes, back outside for chopping, keeping a clear watch for the hungry 80-pound lynx that had been hanging around.

Loaded the sled one more time, dragged it inside. I almost made it but spilled the load just outside the door. After stacking that in the hoop, I could tell that I didn’t have enough.

Another ten-minute rest, then dragged the sled back out to the woodpile. I started to chop through ice and snow, to free another log.
I was tired instead I loaded two 80 pound wet logs. Transported those to the chopping block and started to chop.

I split the logs into 16 pieces, each still too big for wet wood. I knew I could finish those inside later.

Loaded those on the sled and brought those in. Stacked them to help them dry by the fire.

I fed the cats early, trying to entice one out of my office. Causing problems in their stuff spilled all over books and other things. It didn’t go for the food trick, but next year maybe.

Need more. Rest first

Half of frick & frack

First load transported and chopped. what you dont see is the load spilled at the door.

Maybe enough