Hold fast to dreams For when dreams go Life is a barren field Frozen with snow.

Langston Hughes

Can you dig it? I did, through ice and deep snow. To try to cut enough wood for the night. I need to try to do double if I can. Another big snowstorm coming in tonight.

So far, I just cut and transported the heaviest load of winter so far.

I only dropped one log but had to take a rest along the way. When I got back to the chopping blocks, I saw the steel bowls I left out.

Off I went to fill them full of snow for melt. When I got back inside, I was soaked in sweat and tired out. Chopping would happen later.

I did notice that my predator was stalking me. The big cat spent some time at my woodpile where I was cutting, then followed in my footsteps up to the door.

Got enough now.

Finished chopping what I had cut. Three of the block were very heavy, meaning wet wood. That would not throw much heat.

Now I just needed to refill the bird feeder and hang it outside. The big cat was not interested in the tiny chickadees. It would take a hundred of those to make a meal. It was more interested in a 200 pounder in snow boots.

