I grew up on the edge of a national park in Canada – timberwolves, creeks, snow drifts. I really did have to walk home six miles through the snow, like your grandparents used to complain.

Dan Aykroyd

Yup, not chainsawing wood yesterday was a mistake. The snow is coming down heavy and has been for a few hours.

I got it done, wood inside, not chopped, snow gathered.

Snow on top 20 minutes worth

600 pounds worth

I am beyond exhausted. I had to rest along the way 3 times. The only wood I could get was the very wet, heavy wood. It had been buried under thick layers of sawdust.

You can see how much snow fell on the logs since I cut them. About 20 minutes later. In the pic at the top.

You can’t tell how heavy the snowfall is in this pic.

My good Samaritan had pushed them out of the ground, so I could cut them. They don’t throw much heat. But I should survive. If I can get them to ignite.

I went down to the cold garage, to exchange the axe with a cracked head for the one with the broken handle, but still functioning.

I came back up and thought I would just swing at one log. It split easily. Way too easy. I had forgotten that wet-frozen logs full of ice crystals were easy to split. After they thawed, not so much.

Hurt, tired and really wanting my morning cup. I knew I had to split the wood right now. I had to split it into the smallest pieces, so they would burn and dry.

So I started swinging. A half-hour later I had done all except the brute. An 80-pound log encrusted with snow and ice and a million and two branch stubs. I was afraid of that one.

The brute

The brute was taunting me, so I split him into four pieces. I had other things to do. I wanted a coffee and I needed to get my gen running. My solar batteries needed charging. No sun for weeks during the extreme cold. The solar panels were covered in 6 inches of snow.

I also needed to heal up and rest in front of my Xbox.

2 feet of snow moved from the gen shelter. Gen filled with gas, started and buttoned-down.

I went for the coffee, and now I am starting a new game of ME 1.

The brute